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December 10, 2016 •
Cyphercor’s LoginTC, a leading cloud-based two-factor authentication service, has been awarded a contract with the Canadian Federal Government. The program is called the Build in Canada Innovation Program (BCIP), and is managed by Public Works and Government Services Canada.
The aim of BCIP is to take late stage innovative and emerging technologies, and test them in real federal government agencies. This helps to bridge the gap between beginning-stage research and development, and end-stage commercialization. BCIP also helps support Canadian companies and suppliers, by alleviating the complexity of federal software procurement. Vital federal government feedback from real end-users can help companies improve their goods and services offerings, and can provide important efficiencies and innovations within the government itself.
Cyphercor and LoginTC can integrate with the large majority of remote access platforms, and can effectively add two-factor authentication seamlessly on top of existing systems. What makes LoginTC unique from other multi-factor authentication services is the ability to authenticate through a user’s smartphone, web browser, or native Windows desktop application.
Authenticating through a user’s smart device means there is no hardware PKI or token, and therefore does not require any onsite hardware investment. This greatly reduces the amount of overhead spent on two-factor authentication, and does not require a third-party vendor for physical remote access tokens.
LoginTC is available through all mobile marketplaces, and makes use of the phone’s push notification system to alert the user to authenticate on their device. Using this method is more secure than other multi-factor authenticators, and leverages pre-existing smartphone knowledge from the end-user, making the authentication process the most simple and secure it can be. To find out more about LoginTC, please visit /solutions.