Become a LoginTC Partner

Get inside access to technical expertise, product updates, and unique economic benefits as one of our MSP partners.

Join us

LoginTC has partnered with top international MSP’s to help customers secure their networks, navigate security audits, become compliant with SOC2, and obtain cyber insurance. We have developed a comprehensive partnership program to help MSP’s maximize the value of their engagement.

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Technical Training

Our LoginTC engineers work with your sales and technical teams on product features, integration, and updates. Your team will have access to a dedicated support team, comprehensive technical documentation, and LoginTC’s vast knowledge base.

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Joint Marketing

LoginTC’s industry-leading two-factor authentication can scale and is more cost effective than the competition — which may explain why it’s been generating such high interest and growing demand. We work with our partners to identify their individual needs and assist with co-marketing by providing client targeted marketing material.


Easily manage multiple organizations and administrators with the MSP Hub, a unique portal exclusive to LoginTC MSP Partners.
Learn more about the MSP Hub

Financial Rewards

We reward our partners for driving new LoginTC subscriptions and delivering LoginTC credential management to customers. Our partners earn commissions on subscriptions and annual renewals, and have access to additional flexible pricing options.

Participate in Program Offers

On a regular basis, Cyphercor announces product updates and transition programs with strong economic incentives to clients that benefit our partners directly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer discounts to MSPs?

Yes, we offer discounts to MSPs and resellers that scale with the volume of licenses.

Do you offer pricing flexibility options?

Yes, we have multiple billing options that work with your MSPs existing processes.

Is there multi-tenant support and features?

Yes, through our MSP Hub, you can manage multiple clients in one easy to use portal. Contact us to start a trial of MSP Hub.

Start your free trial today. No credit card required.

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