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Pictogram for Domains

January 18, 2013Diego Matute

Announcing a new security feature for all LoginTC domains: Pictogram for domains!

Along side selecting protecting a domain with PIN or passcode, administrators can now associate an image with their domain. This image appears as a pictogram for push notifications and as a part of domain administration. The images go through a review process to ensure responsible use.

Pictogram for domains helps assure users where the request is coming from and adds an element of customization to our mobile apps presence. This feature along with others set LoginTC apart with respect to usability and security as a true multi-factor offering.

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Select Custom image when creating a domain

Select ‘Custom’ image when creating a domain


Upload an image, this icon is from

Upload an image, this icon is from


Push notifications are customized with the domain pictogram

Push notifications are customized with the domain pictogram

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