
Natpoint MSP needed an MFA solution that was easy to use, well supported, and integrated easily into the SonicWall VPN. After evaluating several solutions, they settled on LoginTC, and couldn’t be happier.

The Challenge

Natpoint is a Managed Service Provider (MSP) based out of the UK that’s been serving SMB and non-profit organizations for the last 23 years. In late 2022, after an increase in cybersecurity requirements from cyber insurers, regulatory bodies, and the Cyber Essentials program, they began looking for a trusted MFA partner they could rely on to protect their clients.

“We’re a SonicWall MSP,” says Rotimi Ogundare, the Technical Director at Natpoint. He’s their go-to expert in computer networking, email, internet and IT security. “So we were looking for an MFA solution that would integrate really well with the SonicWall VPN. We researched and evaluated many different providers, and eventually narrowed down our list to three providers.”

The Solution

LoginTC was one of those three contenders. As Rotimi explains — company size, ease of use, and reliable support were the main metrics by which Natpoint would make their evaluation.

“LoginTC was ideal for us because first of all, it’s not a big conglomerate. With a big provider, it’s hard trying to get technical support and you don’t get hands-on attention.”

As Natpoint started testing the three solutions, they discovered another aspect of LoginTC that they loved.

“LoginTC was the simplest and most effective for what we wanted to do. You don’t need to start running scripts or do any complex stuff to get LoginTC to work, which is what we like about it. It also integrates with a lot of devices that we support.”

An MFA Solution with Service and Support Built for MSPs

We asked Rotimi what his favorite feature of LoginTC is, and the answer came to him easily.

“The MSP Hub is the best,” says Rotimi. The LoginTC MSP Hub allows MSP administrators to manage all their organizations and administrators from one dashboard. “Makes life a lot easier for all my techies. It’s great. Keep it up.”

The other aspect of LoginTC he loves is the support.

Support is excellent at LoginTC,” he says. “Because of the time zone difference, the LoginTC team is sometimes sleeping when we send a message, and still the response is amazing. They work the same way that we work in Natpoint. We’re very, very proactive to make sure that customers get service, we do stuff and we ask to pay later. Very, very impressed with the kind of support I’m getting at LoginTC, both through customer operations and online chat. Sometimes I will ask a question in the chat box and the person says “Ok I’m gonna find out for you ASAP”, and only two hours later we get a full answer. That requires very, very good organization, and gives confidence in the company that you’re dealing with.”

LoginTC’s MFA solution is perfect for MSPs looking to grow their business and secure their clients quickly and easily. Our MSP partners can take advantage of flexible pricing options, enhanced administration, and top-tier customer support.

“We would like all our clients to have LoginTC, it’s no brainer for us,” says Rotimi in his final comments. “It makes life a lot easier for us and our clients.”

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