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New authentication options, productivity tools, and more with LoginTC

April 10, 2024Diego Matute

2024 has seen massive new improvements to LoginTC’s offering, including new offline authentication options and security settings, as well as streamlined authentication management tools. The latest update to LoginTC offers administrators more of everything: productivity tools, customization settings, and a new way to authenticate.

Explore each of the new features below.

Phone Call OTP

Try out a brand new authentication method in LoginTC: Phone Call One-Time-Password (OTP).

With Phone Call OTP, users can now accept an authentication request sent to them as a phone call. After answering the call, the automated system will read a 6-digit one-time-passcode aloud to the user. The user then inputs the code to confirm their second factor credentials.

phone call otp mfa

Phone Call OTP is a great option for organizations where not all users have access to a smartphone, as it works on landlines and other non-internet enabled devices.

It’s an alternative to regular Phone Call authentication and is less susceptible to phone call phishing attacks, where users are spammed with phone call authentication requests until they accept.

Phone Call Authentication can be enabled for your users in the LoginTC Admin Panel under Authentication Methods.

phone call otp mfa settings

Test it today, or try it out on a selection of users using Group Policies.

Iframe Authentication Mode Settings

The LoginTC iframe is a component of LoginTC’s multi-factor authentication (MFA) system. It allows for the embedding of LoginTC’s authentication interface within an iframe, providing a seamless user experience for second-factor authentication. It is compatible with all of LoginTC connectors and authentication methods.

This method of displaying MFA to end users offers a more integrated and user-friendly authentication process. In the Iframe mode, users are presented with a separate authentication window that allows them to select from multiple authentication method options.

iframe window options

An example of the LoginTC Iframe Window

The latest update makes the LoginTC Iframe Authentication mode more customizable, with the ability for administrators to choose what order each available authentication method appears in.

This also means administrators can choose which method is automatically selected as the default method, thereby speeding up the authentication process.

iframe options settings

The order of authentication methods can be customized in the LoginTC Admin Panel under Organization Settings.

End-User Token Re-enrollment

With the latest LoginTC update, users now have the opportunity to re-issue their own authentication tokens. This feature is an enhancement to the Enrollment Link Email method.

Users are able to re-issue a token for any authentication method available in their enrollment portal, including the LoginTC App, Passcode Grid, and Security Key.

Administrators can send re-enrollment emails at any time from the user’s details page, or bulk-send from the Domain page.

Send Enrollment Email from User Details Page

Bulk Send Enrollment Emails from Domains

End-user re-enrollment can free up valuable time for your help desk by allowing registered users to issue themselves new tokens. If users get a new phone, receive a new Security Token, or need to activate a new Passcode Grid, it can all be done without administrator intervention.

Try these MFA features today

If you’re an existing LoginTC Administrator, try these new features out in the LoginTC Admin Panel today.

Organizations looking for a simple MFA solution that won’t impact productivity, start a free trial of LoginTC here.

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