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  • What is the YubiKey vulnerability?

    September 10, 2024Victoria Savage

    The announcement of a YubiKey vulnerability is making headlines as researchers uncover a method for cloning the popular phishing-resistant security keys. But what does this vulnerability involve, and how much can it compromise your security? Continue reading to learn more about this YubiKey vulnerability. What is a YubiKey? YubiKeys are a type of security key […]

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  • LoginTC CVE-2024-3094 Impact

    April 03, 2024Thomas Sydorowski

    In light of the public disclosure of the compromised xz library packages (CVE-2024-3094), our security team has performed a thorough review of the xz library packages in all LoginTC appliances to determine the CVE-2024-3094 impact on our services. Does CVE-2024-3094 impact LoginTC? No,  CVE-2024-3094 does not impact LoginTC Cloud services. Are the LoginTC appliances affected? […]

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  • LoginTC Log4j Impact

    December 14, 2021Thomas Sydorowski

    In light of the public disclosure of the Log4j vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228), our security team has performed a thorough review of the use of logging libraries in LoginTC products.

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